Lost in the Movies: Fiction and Nonfiction - 10 Long-Form Films: #WatchlistScreenCaps, 11/17 - 12/7 (miniseries edition)

Fiction and Nonfiction - 10 Long-Form Films: #WatchlistScreenCaps, 11/17 - 12/7 (miniseries edition)

Here are the last ten films I finished, with a screen-captured image and caption. All are miniseries (half are documentary, half are dramatic) - many of which I began watching this summer. The first three were re-viewings, the rest first-timers. Linked titles lead to previous pieces from this blog. Visit my #WatchlistScreenCaps archive for images from everything I've watched since February.

"The people in the cheaper seats, clap your hands. And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry..."
The Beatles Anthology (1995), dir. Kevin Godley, Bob Smeaton, Geoff Wonfor
finished November 17, 2013

The man who walked through paradise in dreams and woke up with a flower in his hand
Histoire(s) du cinema (1988 - 1998), dir. Jean-Luc Godard
finished November 26, 2013

"I feel, therefore I am."
Civilisation (1969), pres. Kenneth Clark
finished November 29, 2013

Trimming the topknot of tradition - samurai becomes entrepreneur
Mankind: The Story of All of Us (2012), dir. Dan Clifton, Hugh Ballantyne
finished November 30, 2013

Even cattle are camera-conscious before the foreign lens
Phantom India (1969), dir. Louis Malle
finished December 3, 2013

Connected by blood but little else
Rich Man, Poor Man (1976), dir. David Greene, Boris Sagal
finished December 3, 2013

"Trust no one, my friend. No one."
I, Claudius (1976), dir. Herbert Wise
finished December 3, 2013

Free one moment, then chained for a century to come
Roots (1977), dir. Marvin Chomsky, John Erman, David Greene, Gilbert Moses
finished December 3, 2013

A Christmas illuminated by machine gun fire
Band of Brothers (2001), dir. David Frankel, Mikael Salomon, Tom Hanks, David Leland, Richard Loncraine, David Nutter, Phil Alden Robinson, Tony To
finished December 3, 2013

Comfort in the hour of desolation
Heimat 3 (2004), dir. Edgar Reitz
finished December 7, 2013

also during this time:
#ViewedOnVHS: The Wind in the Willows (1987), on 11/28


Doug's Blog said...

You had to be doing some pretty serious long-term viewing to get through these mini-series. especially "Roots" which went on a while as I recall. It's interesting to recall how major an event that was back in the mid-70s when there were few if any cable stations and people talked about that show as each episode came out. Today audiences are so segmented all such "events" are seen in a more consumer-friendly style but the "communal experience" is diluted.

Joel Bocko said...

Yeah, I was talking to my dad about these - Roots and Rich Man, Poor Man in particular (he was on vacation when Roots aired & missed it but loved RMPM) and he mentioned that communal aspect.

I started the majority of these back in the summer, some as early as June and there were at times months between episodes, but I escalated the pace in October so I could finish them around the same time.

My favorite, aside from Civilisation which I'd already watched several times (certain episodes more than others), was the newly-discovered I, Claudius. The characters were so vile yet as they came onscreen near the end for a cameo encore, swimming in Claudius' vision during his last appearance before the Senate, I wanted to stand up and cheer so juicy were those performances.

Doug's Blog said...

Viewing a mini series before Netflix and video/dvd was more exciting but not very flexible. And you're right Joel--"I Claudius" was amazing.

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